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New project to tackle noise pollution

One of the biggest health and safety issues in the UK at the moment is noise pollution. It can have a huge impact on humans and wildlife. Luckily, a new project is launching later this month with an aim to create a quieter future. We want to have a closer look at it here. Then, if you want solutions like in-line silencers, we can design and supply them.


Noise Network Plus

A new interdisciplinary network of experts is collaborating with a focus on “promoting conscious design processes to create quieter products, buildings, and transportation systems”. Ultimately, they want to reduce noise pollution and make the environment in the UK quieter and healthier. It will benefit people, wildlife, and the economy too.


The project involves a number of different stakeholders, including engineers, scientists, and policymakers. The University of Surrey is leading the project, with collaborators from University of Bath, City St George’s, and University of Salford.


10-15 years

One of the most interesting things about Noise Network Plus is it is planning to reduce noise over the next 10-15 years. This is a long term project. It will ensure engineering solutions, including things like in-line silencers, are a consideration from the start of projects.


There are issues now in the UK with noises from various sources, including industry and roads. In fact, road noise is estimated to cost £7-10bn per year in England alone because it causes several health issues.


Sadly, the expectation is noise will become an even bigger issue in the future. The UK is in the midst of a move to net zero, investing in new sustainable technologies. However, some of them can bring additional noise. For example, wind turbines have the potential to significantly alter the soundscape.


A core principle from the Noise Network Plus is that “once noise is out there, it is really hard to remove”. Therefore, it is more effective to reduce it from the start. Innovative engineering solutions can be exceptional here. They can improve how noise is managed and ensure a higher standard of design for buildings, transport systems, and industrial facilities.


Talk to us if you need in-line silencers

Ventx is one of the UK’s leading silencer specialists. We have decades of engineering and acoustic knowledge. As a result, we can support clients and help them to address noise issues. Whether it is traditionally noisy industries like manufacturing or newer ones with the potential for high levels of noise pollution, we’ll work to deliver the best solutions.


We can decide the ideal model for almost any application, including in-line silencers. Like Noise Network Plus, we always recommend thinking about noise as early as possible when designing facilities. So, speak to us today if you need any help.

For more information on New project to tackle noise pollution talk to Ventx Limited

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