Industrial silencers aren’t your everyday objects. Even so, they are vital for anyone working in factories and other noisy environments. Our business helps to keep workers safe by supplying the highest quality bespoke equipment. They come in many forms, so you can come to us for an intake silencer or other designs.
Blowers and compressors have uses in all kinds of working environments. There are numerous applications for them, from inflating car tyres to powering instruments and tools at dentist offices. At times, you might not even know they are there if they make use of an air muffler or filter silencer. Both work to lower equipment noise.
The air compressor muffler is a contraption that can lower excessive sound created by a blower or compressor. Another name for these devices is silencer. They exist in separate configurations. These include filter silencers, breather vent filters, and tubular silencers. The one we want to focus on specifically is the filter silencer.
How does the filter silencer work?
Besides supplying filtered air to safeguard equipment, a filter silencer also offers efficient noise attenuation. It does this by lowering the decibel (dB) level. Moreover, it softens the pitch produced by the blower or compressor. The intent is to make a noisy machine quieter and noises more manageable for our ears.
The dual function of silencing equipment noise and filtering air here differentiates the silencer. It makes it more specialist than other styles of compressors and air mufflers. These are the ones that solely address noise.
Why is it necessary?
As for why a compressor needs a filter, let’s have a look. The basic requirement for inlet filtration on blowers and compressors is to keep moisture and dirty particles from getting inside. If they were allowed to enter, they could damage interior components. In dusty operating settings, there is a higher risk of airborne particles getting into the blower or compressor during operation.
The crucial thing here is dirt particles can prove to be very abrasive. They negatively impact the standard performance or function of the equipment. Bringing clean air in is essential not only for equipment protection, but to protect the downstream operation. Due to these reasons, a dual-function silencer works well. It protects equipment whilst lowering noise.
Talk to us if you want to design an intake silencer or other models
At Ventx, we supply industrial silencers that benefit workers, visitors, neighbours, and more. Furthermore, these utensils can be necessary to follow the UK’s environmental standards for noise pollution. We design each product specifically for the client and application, ensuring the most impressive results.
For more information on Filter silencers work for compressors and blowers talk to Ventx Limited