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Flow considerations with new silencers

To adhere to noise ordinances and safeguard the health of workers, we use industrial silencers in facilities. They lower the sound level without adversely influencing equipment or processes. You can get a wide range of different models to suit various needs. Ventx is one of the most reliable suppliers, offering steam vent silencers and much more.

A crucial factor with any silencer is they come with several design challenges. They often need installing in an awkward, small space. More importantly, like any other object you can put in a system with flow, they will change the characteristics eventually. Changes in flows can have effects on equipment upstream and downstream. Thus, you need to design silencers with this in mind.


With industrial silencers, you match them to fan inlet and outlet flanges. So, they need to fit in the ventilation system. It means a hard limit exists on how big they can be.

At the same time, a silencer needs to lower the noise created by a system by an established amount. As such, there is a practical limit on how small industrial silencers can end up.

Given these restrictions, you need to concentrate on achieving noise reduction targets. You also need to lower the silencer’s impact on the flow. All this is while working within set dimensions. Keep that in mind if you design steam vent silencers or any other model.

Downstream and upstream flow

As we said, industrial silencers influence both downstream and upstream flow. The contaminants, temperature, velocity, and pressure need consideration during silencer design. It’s the same for other features in the airstream. The goal here should be to reach the noise attenuation needs with minimal influence on the flow conditions.

Flow considerations are some of the most important design factors. Saying this, there are some other details to keep in mind here too. One example is field access and servicing. All industrial silencers will need occasional maintenance. It becomes more critical for equipment in dirty airstreams. Making certain silencers are easily accessible and removable can be essential to the design.

There are also the weight and space restrictions. Silencers need to meet stringent requirements to fit within the existing system without them disrupting or damaging anything.

Speak to us if you need steam vent silencers or other models

To supply noise control while lowering their effect on flow, every silencer should have a custom design. They cannot work effectively in their environment otherwise. There isn’t a universal solution. Thankfully, ours is a company that excels in this field.

At Ventx, we make use of acoustic modelling software to design silencers. It allows us to craft ones that suit the client’s specifications. Then, we can offer installation and ongoing help with things like maintenance.

For more information on Flow considerations with new silencers talk to Ventx Limited

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