Noise is something that can cause a host of problems. It can disrupt our sleep, make it harder to concentrate at work, and, if it is loud enough or exposure is consistent enough, cause hearing damage. To help prevent these, you need to use the right tactics. One of the best options is to choose silencers. You can attach them to noisy machinery and systems to reduce the noise levels. We can provide excellent solutions, including discharge silencer models and many others.
Each day, we experience sound in our environment. The sounds can come from the radio, television, traffic, and various appliances. Usually, the noises are at safe levels that won’t harm our hearing. However, sounds can be harmful when they’re overly loud, even if it’s for a brief time. The same goes when they are loud and long-lasting. These sounds are able to damage sensitive structures within the inner ear and lead to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
It’s estimated that 1.3 billion people worldwide suffer from NIHL because of leisure or work. What we want to do here is discuss some of the jobs that carry the most risk of hearing loss. The info will help you to ensure you aren’t taking too many risks at work so you can protect yourself.
High risks
The jobs that pose the most risk of noise at work include airport ground staff. You may have seen them wearing bright colourful ear muffs. For people directing jet engines, it’s a mandatory bit of personal protective equipment because of the loud noise.
Factory workers have to work with noisy machinery. They often suffer from tinnitus and hearing loss. PPE is essential here, but silencers can be even better. Products like a discharge silencer can reduce sound levels effectively to improve conditions.
One of the highest risk jobs is Formula One drivers and pit crew. Drivers in the cockpit who are straight in front of the engine put up with noise levels as great as 135 dB. That is huge exposure, so drivers need hearing protection. Crews in the pits need protection too because of all the loud vehicles and tools they work around.
Next on the list is construction workers. These professionals have to deal with high noise throughout the day because the tools they use can reach 120 dB. Again, hearing protection should be worn.
Nightclub staff also have a noisy job. Bouncers stand outside the building and are generally not in as much danger. However, the bar staff working long hours can experience noise levels up to 155 dB. PPE can be vital, but workers must also be able to hear customers and colleagues.
Motorcycle couriers are in danger too. Riding a typical motorbike at 50 mph exposes your ears to 90 dB of noise under your helmet. The noise increases as your speed does. So, hearing protection is vital.
Finally, and maybe surprisingly, there is teaching. Teachers and nursery workers can suffer from excessive sound. Active classrooms can get very noisy, and prolonged exposure can damage hearing.
Talk to us about a discharge silencer or other models
At Ventx, we’ve aided countless clients with their noise concerns. Our silencers give them the solutions they need to keep everything in check. We can do the same for you as well, offering support in various industries.
So, if you need a discharge silencer or any other type, get in touch. We’ll design the perfect solutions for you.
For more information on Some of the jobs with the highest risk of hearing loss talk to Ventx Limited