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Specifying attenuators for HVAC systems

Industrial silencers aren’t something you will see every day. In fact, you likely won’t ever get a glimpse of them because they tend to be within systems. If you are working in the likes of factories or warehouses though, you will definitely be experiencing the benefits. Silencing and attenuator equipment is essential for keeping sound levels down to a minimum. This is important because too much noise exposure can cause harm to people, equipment, and the environment. Luckily, Ventx is an establishment that can provide you with the exact solutions you need.


HVAC systems enable us to manipulate interior settings to levels that are comfortable for us. This can come with some problems that we must deal with though. One such problem is noise. These systems can be on the noisier side if the right measures to attenuate them aren’t taken. To ensure essential heating, cooling, and ventilation doesn’t make spaces distractingly or uncomfortably noisy, it is necessary to solve the noise problem.



There are multiple tools at our disposal for lowering the sound created by HVAC systems. An engineer could spec a high frequency fan that makes the noise simpler to attenuate. They could guarantee that the ducting isn’t directly fixed to the walls or ceilings. This is without a synthetic rubber or spring between to eradicate acoustic bridging.


Another possibility would be mounting the motors and fan to rest on an exterior fixed to the floor by springs. It would ensure they wouldn’t be resting right on the floor, reducing vibration and noise.


The ideal tool to use

The most widely employed tool for sound reduction though would be the attenuator. They have attenuation material capable of minimising sound propagated by air flowing through ducts. Suitable sizing of the attenuators and specifying the number of them is essential to how effective this sound reduction method is.


Proper placement is equally, or perhaps more, important to performance and efficiency with attenuators. To position them correctly, you need to keep the basic principles of acoustics in mind. You need an understanding of the fundamentals so you can specify the attenuator’s characteristics. It is the same when specifying the positioning of any noise reducing and generating equipment.


Speak to us if you need an attenuator

At Ventx, we provide attenuators and silencers that benefit their users and any visitors. They ensure spaces are quieter, tackling noise from HVAC systems, machinery, and more. Furthermore, they can be necessary to ensure businesses comply with the UK’s health and safety and environmental standards.


Whether you have a site in the design stage or an existing property that needs bespoke noise solutions, we can help. We have the skills to design an attenuator for almost any needs. So, let us know if you need anything.

For more information on Specifying attenuators for HVAC systems talk to Ventx Limited

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