The UK Controlled Environment Users’ Group (CEUG) is an esteemed collection of managers and users of controlled environment facilities. This includes representatives for universities, research institutes and companies concerned with plant research, as well as manufacturers of controlled environment chambers, rooms and glasshouses.
From 3rd – 4th September, CEUG will host its annual UK meeting at NIAB Cambridge; the National Institute of Agricultural Botany. This year’s theme ‘Sustainability Through Innovation’, aims to unite members from around the UK to explore current challenges and share experiences in running plant growth facilities.
We’re looking forward to attending the event in September. It promises to be a valuable opportunity to meet with fellow industry professionals, fostering collaboration and innovative ideas and developments for the plant growth sector, particularly where sustainability is concerned.
Contact Us
If you would like to know more about our environmental test chambers and plant growth facilities please get in touch to speak to one of our professionals. Call us on 01509 631 595 or email us on enquiries.gb@weiss-technik.com.
For more information on Exploring Sustainability Through Innovation at the Annual CEUG UK Meeting talk to Weiss Technik UK Ltd