About Us
Welcome to our listing on Findtheneedle. The company was formed in 1994 by two engineers at the request of a few local companies who agreed to support a company that they could trust and a company that could relate to their industrial requirements. More than 20 years have passed and in 1996 the W.J.Meddings (Holdings) Ltd group of manufacturing companies has joined the team adding Precision engineering and Industrial Tools to the products available.
Merlin Industrial Products were one of the first companies to have a web site back in 1996 with the main site saved to the Internet archive in 1998 The Merlin today has a wealth of information and experience on most probably the widest range of industrial equipment and services anywhere in the United Kingdom and the latest web site is designed to help you find the information that you need quickly and on your mobile phone, tablet or PC. Merlin Industrial is still run by engineers who can understand what you would like and supply it on time and within budget.

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