About Us
Schenck Process are industry leaders, providing pneumatic conveying solutions covering all types of dense and dilute (phase) conveying. We have a comprehensive portfolio of intelligent and energy efficient products, solutions, and designs. Our range also incorporates pneumatic injection technology and the world's original Dome Valve. Incorporating well-known brands, such as Clyde Process and Redler.
Our products meet the unique challenges of all major Industry applications. Iron and Steel, Non-Ferrous Metal, Cement, Chemicals, Performance Materials and Rail Sanding, just some of the key industries served. Our aim is to Increase productivity, reliability and performance as well as considering the environmental sustainability of your processes. Creating cost savings through process efficiencies.
We are extremely proud of our Doncaster Test and Innovation Centre, where we have a substantial materials database of over 10000 samples. This enables us to choose the ideal conveying technology for our customers application. Our centre also has a variety of equipment available to customers who need help to solve problems and make optimisations to systems, including those of our competitors. Enabling us to stay on the cutting edge of pneumatic developments.
Our exceptional portfolio of support services and digital and remote support solutions also covers engineering, commissioning, system and equipment maintenance, training & consulting.