See Companies Below
Use FindtheNeedle for your business to find specialists in the environmental sector in our free, easy to use UK online directory. We only have listings from professional environmental services, as well as a dedicated news and product section. We supply each listings detailed business information as well as links to their social media, so that you can contact the business in a number of ways. Whether you are looking for something within environmental protection, environmental consultancies, or something more specific such as water monitoring technology we have it listed in our Environmental Directory. In a world that is constantly being more environmentally conscious, we can supply you with a number of companies that deal with a range of current environmental issues such as pollution, recycling, and solar panels and accessories. By using our product service, you’ll be able to find all the top products in the different environmental fields.
Waste Solutions
Find The Needle’s free online UK Environmental Directory can supply you or your business with many options when having to deal with waste solutions wherever you are in the UK. When looking for a reliable waste solution company, we know it can take up hours of time looking for a trusted supplier, which is why we have put together this directory so you know exactly what you are getting every single time and you won’t need to look anywhere else. We have listings from both local and nationwide suppliers that deal exclusively with waste management solutions for a range of sectors which include extraction systems, effluent treatment plant systems, fume extractions, hazardous waste disposal as well as waste and hygiene disposal. We also supply listings for environmental protection systems, and on our product page, you can specialised companies that deal with waste solutions in the form of motor scrappage, battery scrappage, and bespoke aluminium scrappage.

Our goal with the new online tool is to provide customers with a simple-to-use design wizard, combined with enhanced information to guide customers through the 100’s of available filter combinations. Each stage of the wizard allows you to select key filter elements including size, connections, media and micron sizes, to create the ideal filter for your needs.
Once submitted, all this information will be immediately received and processed allowing us to provide you with an accurate quotation and lead time to delivery. We can also provide prototype samples for you to try before you buy.
Our fresh, new look design tool adds to our long-established reputation for close consultation and excellent customer support, ensuring you always get the right filter, first time! For more information please visit https://www.helapet.co.uk/inline-disc-filters/