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Use the UK Instrumentation Directory on Findtheneedle for your instrumentation needs. Our directory showcases the best companies in testing equipment for a number of things, whether it is local companies or nationwide suppliers that can deal with your query. We are one of the largest and most visited business to business directories in the UK so you can feel assured that you will be able to find what you need in instrumentation. We deal with instrumentation in a number of areas including data instrumentation and power supply instrumentation. If you are looking for something more technical rather than just generalised sectors, then you will be able to find such listings as cable management and water storage tanks, coil windings and stack converters for all requirements and budgets whatever sector you are in. Our news section helps you by giving tips such as how to configure and read instruments via an app, or showcase new products.
Testing Equipment
With the UK Instrumentation Directory on Findtheneedle, you will be able to find a range of testing equipment suppliers from across the UK, dealing with a number of sectors. Each listing provides detailed profiles, location maps, photos of products and contact information. Whether you require electronic or marine testing equipment or heavy vehicle brake testers then we have a wide selection of listings for your convenience. Each listing aims to offer the best advice should you need it, so you are certain you are confident with the product or service. We have such companies as TM Electronics who deal with thermometers and temperature testing equipment, and MCS Test Equipment who deal with wireless test and measurement equipment. Our product page has a list of testing equipment, so if you are sure of what you want, then you can directly click on the product to be led to the buying page.

Our goal with the new online tool is to provide customers with a simple-to-use design wizard, combined with enhanced information to guide customers through the 100’s of available filter combinations. Each stage of the wizard allows you to select key filter elements including size, connections, media and micron sizes, to create the ideal filter for your needs.
Once submitted, all this information will be immediately received and processed allowing us to provide you with an accurate quotation and lead time to delivery. We can also provide prototype samples for you to try before you buy.
Our fresh, new look design tool adds to our long-established reputation for close consultation and excellent customer support, ensuring you always get the right filter, first time! For more information please visit https://www.helapet.co.uk/inline-disc-filters/