About Us
Established in 1987, Pharma Biotech System Components Ltd (trading as PBSC) is a leading supplier of components for clean controlled environments.
PBSC offers installation, servicing, technical advice, product selection, and demonstrations. With an established distribution network in many countries,
PBSC provides the necessary service and support for our clients. PBSC's products are designed for use in biotechnological facilities, including pharmaceutical, medical research, healthcare, BSL-2, BSL-3, and BSL-4 facilities.
Fumigation chambers using hydrogen peroxide vapor or formaldehyde for material decontamination - available in large walk-in units and smaller transfer hatches. High containment doors - either Inflatable Seal doors or Mechanical Seal doors.
High containment - Barrier Pass Through Hatch, Dunk Tank, and vision panels. Personnel decontamination showers - range includes Air Showers, Water Showers, and Foggin Showers, also referred to as Mist Showers. Cleanroom doors, fire doors, glass doors, phenolic resin doors, and stainless steel doors - The doors are available with a range of options including blinds, interlocking, and automation.
Pass Through Hatches - a comprehensive range of products to suit almost every application. Emergency Escape Panels - for emergency escape, commonly used as maintenance access routes. Vision Panels - A range of vision panels are available for secondary glazing, internal vision panels (fire-rated and non-fire-rated), and specialist lead shielding vision panels.
For more information please visit our website or contact us by email, at info@pbsc.co.uk - www.pbsc.co.uk